Virginia Board of Workforce Development

In 2014 the US Congress passed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to amend the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to strengthen the United States workforce development system through innovation in, and alignment and improvement of, employment, training, and education programs in the United States, and to promote individual and national economic growth, and for other purposes. This Act, under Section 101, requires the Governor to establish a State workforce development Board.
The Governor and Virginia General Assembly established the Virginia Board of Workforce Development (VBWD) composition and responsibilities.
The VBWD is comprised of different categories of members, with a majority of members representing businesses across the Commonwealth and includes representatives from labor, training providers, public sector leadership from local government, six Cabinet Secretaries and four members of the General Assembly. The VBWD meets quarterly and operates with standing committees. In addition to the Board’s own bylaws and strategic plan, the Board approves various plans, reports and policies to guide the local workforce efforts throughout the Commonwealth.
The Board’s work is supported by workforce professionals lent from various departments and agencies with missions to provide training and employment services to citizens of the Commonwealth.
Board Leadership

George “Bryan” Slater
Secretary of Labor, Office of the Governor

Jim Monroe, Chair
Chair, VBWD
Global VP of Customer Success, Cisco AppDynamics