Register for Job Services

Register for Job Services on the Virginia Workforce Connection

Services available to workers include job referral and placement, referral to training, and job search skill building activities. VEC staff assists employers by screening and referring applicants for job vacancies, providing critical labor market information for business and economic planning, and coordinating Employer Advisory Committee activities across the state.

Find a Job on the Virginia Workforce Connection

You will find Job Search, Career Information, Training Opportunities, Skill requirements, Labor Market Information including Wage data, Industry and Occupational trends on the Virginia Workforce Connection

You can also quickly find a potential job on the Virginia Workforce Connection.

  • Click on “Services for Job Seekers” in the Top Menu.
  • In the “Quick Menu” on the left, click on “Job Search”
  • You can search by military occupation by clicking the “Click Here” link next to the American flag, just below the Search button.

Upcoming Job Fairs

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