Agriculture and Foreign Labor Certification

Virginia Works is currently conducting its annual survey of Prevailing Wage and Practices in Agricultural Employment.  Responses will be appreciated through August 1, 2024. 

You may participate by returning a mailed survey or by completing a survey electronically at the link below. 

Online Survey >

The Virginia Employment Commission’s Agriculture and Foreign Labor Certification Program assists employers with finding the right workforce to fill their labor needs. This can be accomplished through recruitment of U.S. workers using our  statewide job exchange or by assisting an employer using one of the Federal Foreign Labor Certification programs to bring workers from another country. The VEC Agriculture and FLC staff can also provide information on pertinent  labor laws, required labor law posters, migrant housing regulations,  and can conduct farm labor seminars on a statewide basis.

COVID-19 Resources for Employers of Temporary Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Workers

Agricultural LaborForeign Labor Cert.U.S. and VA Labor Laws
The Virginia Employment Commission’s Agricultural Labor Program is organized under the VEC’s Workforce Services Division and also includes the Foreign Labor Certification Program.
The VEC provides three major ways for Ag Employers to recruit workers. As with in business in the Commonwealth, the VEC can place a local job order in our Virginia Workforce Connection system to recruit applicants in the surrounding area. 

Learn more about the Agricultural Labor Program >
Employers requesting labor certification for the temporary or permanent employment of foreign workers are required to offer prevailing wages and working conditions for that particular occupation and to demonstrate that no similarly employed U.S. worker will be adversely affected. Employers are also required to place a job order into Virginia Workforce Connection to test the labor market for U.S. workers. 

Learn more about Foreign Labor Certification >
Federal and State labor laws as they apply to Agricultural Enterprises are sometimes different from how the same law applies to other businesses. There are also some exemptions contained in these laws that only apply to Agriculture operations. On this page you will find links to the major U.S. labor laws and how they apply to Agriculture. 

Learn more about U.S. and VA Labor Laws >
Virginia H-2A Job OrdersAgricultural StaffUseful Links
The VEC Agricultural Staff consists of  the Manager of Agriculture and Foreign Labor Certification and eight Farm Placement Specialists strategically placed throughout the state to assist employers with their labor needs and to provide up to date information on how to keep your business in compliance with government rules and regulations.

View Agricultural Staff >
On this page are some useful links that may help you find information that is not contained in the other pages of our website.
Please contact our Agriculture and Foreign Labor Program Staff for assistance with all your questions and needs. 

View our useful links section >